Instructions for SBMD Demo Space Bunnies Must Die ! is a ten level action game that pits you against an army of mutant bunnies from another galaxy. The bunny complex, which you must infiltrate, is set up as a slaughterhouse and slave labor camp where these alien invaders murder, oppress and experiment upon human and animal captives. The complex is divided into ten levels, each designed to exploit and torture people. The demo you are about to play is one of these levels. It is called The Extermination Level because it is where humans, who are viewed as worthless vermin by the Bunnies, are sent to be, well, disposed of... All Bunnies are hostile, so kill 'em any way you can. However, not all creatures mean you harm. There are those who may help you if you are clever enough to turn them away...from the dark side. You play Allison Huxter, a truck-stop waitress who must battle the evil horde of Bunnies in order to rescue your kidnapped sister. There are several things you must do in order to rescue her. Each of the game's levels contains a jewel encrusted carrot- scepter which is guarded by the level boss. You need all of the scepters in order to unlock Lotar's Level and find your sister. Your goal in this demo level is to find and secure its scepter. Once inside a level, you are trapped there until you can power up the Transporter which will beam you out. The Transporters run on special radioactive carrots which grow only in this volcano, and each requires ten carrots to operate. Find all ten carrots and the scepter, and you've cleared the level. Controls ======== Running: To run, simply hold down the UP arrow key. Walking: To walk, hold down the SHFT key and the down the UP arrow key. (you will not fall off edges in walk mode.) Shooting: Pull out your guns by hitting the CTRL key and fire them with the SPACE BAR (the action key) Jumping: Use the A-key to jump straight up. Use the A-key with the UP arrow key to jump forward. Grabbing: Hit the ACTION key to grab a ledge or mount a ladder. Picking stuff up: Walk up to an object and hit the ACTION key. Using stuff : Walk up to a Lever, a Pylon or a Transporter and hit ACTION to automatically use inventory items. Camera: When standing still, you can use the INS key on your number pad with the ARROW keys to look around and see what's going on. Strafing: The ALT key + the ACTION key + the RGHT or LFT ARROWS will cause Allison to shoot while running side to side. Inventory: Use the Tab key to cycle through inventory, use the ENter key to choose ammo or power-ups etc. Dancing: It may not always help. but it sure is fun. Use the D key and the arrow keys to dance. Elevators: Just jump on them and they'll go up or down. Pickups ======= Blue Gift boxes: contain new costumes which are added to inventory and which can be changed into at any time. CD's: float and spin. Walk over them to add them to inventory. Use them in front of Jukeboxes with the Action key. Mutants ======= Any earth animal you encounter is a potential ally, but unfortunately they've forgotten who their true friends are. The Bunnies have mutated their bodies and brainwashed their minds. You have to jar their memories. Lucky for you, your sister is a singer. She's recorded some songs which will shake the animals out of their stupors; you just need to find them and play them. Each level has a CD with a song and you have a CD player in your inventory. Just play the song when you encounter an animal and he'll stop dead in his tracks and allow you to ride him. Once on his back, the action key (space bar) will cause the animal to perform his special task and help you get through the level. Who To Call =========== To Buy: Voice 1-888-797-5867 For Support: Voice 425-889-7095 Fax 425-828-8715 Email Please visit our website at: